Reader Questions! I want…. EVERYTHING FUNDRAISING! Okay then.

Recently I asked my most fantabulous enewsletter subscribers (if you want to be one, click here) what they wanted to learn more about, because, let’s face it, Most people don’t plan to get into fundraising. What can you do? Except ask questions about stuff you don’t know? Of course, you can’t ask questions if you […]

INTERVIEW: How to get substantially more money per donor with Alan Bacharach

Alan Bacharach
The reason you should read this interview is because when you get people to sign up for your planned giving program, they will ALSO give more money as yearly donors. Don’t be short sighted and focused on short term money. Think long term and your donors will too. This interview tells you the first steps in setting up your first planned giving program.

Guest Post: Christina Attard reveals the secrets about your planned giving program that only donors know…

Christina Attard

“Have you put your name on a legacy donor wall somewhere yet?”

As I like to joke, my current net worth at present is about equal to my zero-dollar cell phone! The beauty of it is that as a couple in our early 30s with a young child and a big mortgage, we were able to create three, six-figure legacy gifts for our favorite charities! (Long time frame? Yes. But there is value here for the long-term.) So really, if you’re still waiting, your excuse had better be a good one!