Book Review: Campaign Craft
I’ve been learning more about political fundraising lately, to help a friend of mine run for office. So I thought I’d share a little bit of what I’m learning. As it turns out, political fundraising is a bit different than nonprofit fundraising. For one thing, they use different terminology. Theme They talk about having a […]
5 Warning Signs Your Nonprofit Website Stinks
Are you not getting enough donations or volunteers signing up through your website? Are you worried your nonprofit website could be better? How can you make a better website? When you look at your nonprofit website, ask yourself, what’s the number one action you want people to take? Then, what’s the second action you want […]
Successful crowdfunding for poetry and the arts
Hello and welcome! This interview is part of our series with wild woman fundraisers on how to do a more successful crowdfunding campaign for your nonprofit. Today we are chatting with poet and managing director of Kundiman, Cathy Linh Che. Ms Che and her committee raised over $11,600 with crowdfunding on Indiegogo in 2013. [raw] […]
How to succeed with monthly giving and crowdfunding
Have you ever wondered how monthly giving works? Did you ever want to do it better? Are you curious about monthly giving? Are you curious about crowd-funding? I am. What if you combined monthly giving with crowdfunding? Well this is exactly what people are doing! They’re doing monthly giving in a whole new way- crowdfunding […]
90 donors in 30 days
I just finished a crowd funding campaign for the Pokey the Penguin comic in December. We got 90 donors in 30 days! I never thought we would get more than $500. But then, I have very low expectations in general when it comes to fundraising. I encourage my friends to have low expectations too. It […]
Guest Post: How I came to fundraising
This post marks the first in a series of posts of our community sharing their stories of how they came to fundraising! This first story is from Jennifer Kimball, Managing Director of the Essential Theatre in Georgia. From the first kernel of an idea in a playwright’s mind to packing away that first successful production, […]