CONNECT THE DOTS lalala – i was a fool
Just in case you missed it, I’ve been talking about how we need to raise nonprofit wages for a long time. And I’m not the only one. I’m talking about research from the Ontario Nonprofit Network on Decent Work for Women, as well as Blue Avocado, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition. (see chart […]
NEW Name It Podcast!: Radical Truthtelling with Women of Color in Philanthropy Panel
Listen, Subscribe and Rate to our new podcast episode, here Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 53:13Subscribe: iTunes | Google Play | Spotify If you listen to this episode today, you will learn about: 1. What triggers you and creates barriers? What keeps you going? 2. It is often said […]
You say you want a revolution… BUT DO YOU REALLY?
Recently I read an excellent article by Vu Le about the meta-fragility of white fragility! People saying they want cage-rattling conversations about equity, inclusion, ableism, white supremacy, then… saying “Oh, this is too much!” You say you want a revolution… but do you really? I experienced this as well this year, when I put forth […]
NEW Name It Podcast!: Critical Consciousness and Ethical Nonprofit Storytelling Interview with Jarell Skinner-Roy
We were lucky to get the chance to sit down with Jarell Skinner-Roy, who wrote a powerful article on dismantling white supremacy in nonprofits. Here’s the link to listen to the podcast! 1) Jarell, what is your background in the nonprofit sector? 2) In your YNPN Twin Cities article, you ask people in nonprofit organizations […]
NAMEIT! Podcast: White supremacy in our nonprofit organizations Interview with Desiree Adaway
We interviewed Desiree Adaway on white supremacy, how it manifests inside our organizations, and what we can do about it. We asked: What are the 3 pillars of white supremacy? Why should nonprofit folks care about white supremacy? what is liberatory consciousness? What are brave spaces versus safe spaces? In your webinar you talk […]
NAMEIT! Podcast: Where are the Asian fundraisers?
This weekend the AFP Women’s Impact Initiative Summit took place in Arizona. We spoke to 2 attendees, Helen Choi, and Melody Song, Canadian Asian fundraisers, They asked the important question- Where are the Asian fundraisers? (there were 3 Asian fundraisers total at this event) And, what did they learn at the event? In this […]