If there is corruption at your nonprofit, who can you go to?
Who helps you get a fair salary for your fundraising experience?
Where do you go with fundraising questions?
If you raise lots of money, are you promoted? And if not, why not?
What do you do if you’ve been wrongfully terminated?
Remember your employment contract? Remember seeing the words “At Will” employment? Did you ever think that you could do something about “At Will” employment, which does not benefit you, the worker?
These questions could be solved by a fundraiser’s union. Why do nonprofit workers not unionize?
Have you ever thought of how a union might benefit you?
As the fundraiser, you are often the person who is first to get fired if your boss or board are not willing to fundraise. It’s easy for them to blame you, and it’s easy for them to replace you with another sucker.
I searched, in vain, for a nonprofit workers union, or a fundraisers union. Some nonprofit workers in 2002 according to the Chronicle for Philanthropy, joined the Service Employees International Union, or the SEIU. Since fundraisers aren’t service workers, I thought that perhaps another union might be more appropriate. I found a union called the Office and Professional Employees Union, I am not endorsing them, but I encourage you to find out what being involved in a union could mean for you, as a nonprofit worker. Here is a list of local chapters. If this doesn’t appeal to you, why not start your own union?
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