On this Mother’s Day, let’s get mad everybody.
With the repeal of Obamacare and the passing of Trumpcare in the Congress, a completed pregnancy, with no or minor complications, would result in a premium hike of $17,060 (£13,200) – a 425% increase.
I’m not a mother, and I do not intend to become a mother, but I love my mother, my cousins have kids, with more on the way, my friend’s adult children are having kids, and I am taking this personally.
ALL OF THE CONGRESSPEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR THIS-CAME OUT OF A WOMAN. That was the first thing they did in life. A repeal of Obamacare is disastrous for a number of reasons but this new idea to make women pay $17,000 to have a baby is absolutely dumbfounding.
In light of this violation of human rights-I wanted to give you something you can use. Don’t get sad. Get mad. Let’s look at this wonderfully made appeal by the Tennessee Justice Center.
(YES there’s a link to download the entire appeal at the end of this post.)
The image on the outside of the card shows a grandmother, her granddaughter, and a picture of her mother, who died of cancer.

On the inside, this card says, “The Tennessee Justice Center was my Earth Angel.”
Amanda Anderson was dying of cancer, fearful of leaving her daughters without health insurance. She was especially tormented by worries for 17-year old Samantha, who suffers from a rare, potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease.
Amanda’s parents, Barbara and James McMurtry, did all they could to ease Amanda’s suffering and comfort their grandchildren. However, stymied by red tape, they could not grant Amanda her dying wish: Health coverage for her kids.
When hospice contacted TJC, client advocate De Vann Sago immediately went to work. Within days, Barbara showed Samantha’s new TennCare card to Amanda. With immense relief, Amanda thanked God, saying, “That’s what I’ve been praying for.” A few days later, she was gone.
De Vann speaks reverently of the privilege of being part of the family’s journey and of witnessing such love.
TJC honors Barbara as a Mother of the Year. In her loving devotion to her daughter and grandchildren, Barbara embodies the courage and love we celebrate on Mother’s Day. She is proud to see those qualities- and Amanda’s big heart- in her grandchildren. Samantha, now assured of the medical treatment she needs, is planning on a career in social work helping others.
On the back of the card, it says,
The Tennessee Justice Center is a Nonprofit Organization working to secure the basic necessities of life, including health care and nutrition, for Tennessee’s most vulnerable children and families using the law, public education, and advocacy.
On the back of the remit envelope, there’s a picture of their mother of the year, Barbara McMurty, Samantha’s Grandmother, Samantha herself, and the wonderful client advocate, De Vann Sago, a King Child Health fellow.
To make a donation in honor of a mother in your life, click here.
You can click below to download this entire appeal now.
[PDF] Tennessee-Justice-Center-Mothers-Day-Appeal
Here’s another nonprofit who is NOT taking this attack on women’s health lying down.
Planned Parenthood of Kentucky tweeted the picture and story below.