My 2019 Gratitude Report!

  You know what? This annual report is REALLY going to be a gratitude report. Because NONE of this would have happened without the incredibly special people listed below. HOLY MOLY. I AM SO SO LUCKY.  I was chilling with my person and they said, “You know, you talk about how grateful you are, a […]

My mistakes of 2019!

hi hi hi! It’s THAT time of year again! When i tell you about my MISTAKES! OH MY GOSH! SO MANY Beautiful MISTAKES! LET’S TALK ABOUT THEM!   BUSINESS MISTAKES 0. I let contracts slide-this was a huge source of guilt for me- because I do not like to make them! AND NOW I have […]

The Fundraising Career Conference ROCKED!

Here’s what people said about the Fundraising Career Conference Presenters! Great 3 days of fantastic presentation material by amazing professionals and speakers. What I found even more incredible was the common thread between all presentations stressing the importance of interpersonal development, work on both mind and spirit level, and mindfulness towards people in our environments. […]

What’s behind your staying after 5pm? Interview with Sarai Johnson

When I met Sarai Johnson last year, I felt super excited. She is the founder of the Lean Nonprofit, and she has so much nonprofit experience!   1. How do Consultants start out? It isn’t true for everyone, but I would be hard-pressed to think of more than a handful of consultants who didn’t have […]

The Gig Economy and the Nonprofit Sector

In November 2016 Yes Magazine published a happy go lucky article about the gig economy and how we should all LOVE IT because it gives us SO MUCH FLEXIBILITY! But what if we want safety as well as flexibility? What then? Should you consult, or should you work full time? What will make you happier? […]