My mistakes of 2022
Let’s get ready for a big slice of humble pie. My mistakes of 2022 are… so face-palm. I’ll go first, shall I? FIRST MISTAKE! I forgot to do this post for the last 3 years! OMG! I was pretty good about doing my mistakes posts for nearly every year til 2019. I think the last […]
Anger is a gift
I went out with someone recently who said, “I’m not angry” and said it a couple times when talking about their family, and I thought, “Oh you are definitely angry” And when the subject came up again, they admitted they were angry, but they didn’t want to be angry, because they felt anger was a […]
4 Design Mistakes to Avoid in Your Year-End Giving Letter
The end of the year giving season provides the most momentum for individual fundraising. So you’ve got to get your year-end giving letter design just right. Why is it so important to send a letter at year end? Donors are looking for a tax write-off at this time of year. And sometimes the Christmas season […]
4 Tips to Write the Best Year-End Fundraising Copy in your 2022 Appeal Letter
As a nonprofit professional, you may already be familiar with year-end appeal letters and how they can help you reach your fundraising goals. Usually, the year-end period begins on Giving Tuesday and lasts until the end of the year, and is the most giving period that exists in the whole year. These months raise the […]
Why do you have to label it?
My story Recently I was having breakfast with some family members. And we started talking about my grandmother, who is showing signs of dementia. I asked family to look at this so we could plan for it together. One person said, “Why do you have to label it? Maybe she’s just getting old.” I’ve noticed […]
Are you a Virtue Hoarder?
Get ready to have your mind blown. Are you part of the PMC (Professional Managerial Class)? Odds are, if you are reading this, you ARE. So many of us who work in nonprofits, or in government, are virtue hoarders. What is a virtue hoarder? Virtue Hoarders are the Professional Managerial Class. I first heard about this […]