Hot Take: Fundraisers are Bards

In the beginning of the ongoing pandemic, I got really into Dungeons and Dragons (DnD). I first learned about how to play by watching Critical Role. I got some books in the library about it, and then decided to buy a couple DnD books. My brother Aaron made sure I learned how to play, not […]
Allow me to re-introduce myself

I’ve changed, and I thought, huh, I think I need to reintroduce myself! So, here goes! First of all, I just love this community because it’s full of such thoughtful, intentional & connection-loving people. If you’re new here, welcome! 👋🏻 I’m Mazarine Treyz. There are many identities I hold that you can read all about […]
If we are living in a dying world, then what’s next?

How did you get so good at dreaming?

The other night my partner and I were talking. He said how did you get so good at dreaming? And I realized… That when I was a kid, I was scapegoated and trapped. But I could dream. So I dreamed as hard as I could. How do you know if you were scapegoated? I listened […]
It’s actually quite simple.

Are you saddened, sickened, and enraged by the ongoing genocide? Me too. Some days I feel like I can’t even process the ongoing sense of despair and hopelessness that comes from watching a genocide in real time. I donate and do what I can but it doesn’t feel like enough. Are you on board […]
Creative play is the peak state of human incarnation

I have been going through it this year. Crying more than ever before. Having big realizations. It’s a lot. This is what has been getting me through this year. Creative Play. What kind of creative play? WRITING I’ve gotten to 3M words this year. And a streak of 950 days and counting. I’m ridiculously proud […]