This 1 Secret Will Get You More Money In Your Year End Appeal
Do you want to know what it is? Did you know that each year I write appeal letters for nonprofits? This one secret makes me more money with my clients than they usually get in years prior. The 1 secret that will get you more money with your year end appeal is… Vulnerability. Can you […]
Unlearning capitalism
In the last few years I’ve been learning from my brother Aaron Levine about oppression, how to talk about it, how to help people understand their own systemic amnesia, and unlearning capitalism. Lately I’ve been telling people, I am in the process of unlearning. What does unlearning capitalism look like? I feel like a lot […]
Saying goodbye to my brother
My friend, my brother, Aaron J. Levine, is dead. I’ve struggled with writing this, and I know that Aaron would tell me to stop waiting, and just write. With tears in my eyes, let me tell you what is on my heart right now. I want to tell you everything about him, because […]
Traitor to Whiteness? WTF is up with that?
If you are very interested in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your workplace, you’re in the right place! Being a Traitor to Whiteness? What does that mean? Tantalizing! Betrayal! Sedition! Ethnicity! “Traitor” is a strong word! If you stare long enough at it you can almost hear the whispers of “race war” and “Critical Race […]
Your history class sucked on purpose
We are taught history incorrectly. Rarely that means we are told incorrect information, though sometimes we are not told enough of what happens before and after an event, but the real way we’re taught history incorrectly is by detaching it from our modern lives. Think back to your school days, what history do you remember? […]
Why ending racism should be the deepest desire of every white person
I was nervous to do this interview about ending racism. So worried that I would say the wrong thing. Then, I remembered the words of my friend Kishshana Palmer, who said, I mess up all the time! Just do the work! And how perfectionism is an aspect of white supremacy. Listen or watch if you […]