Welcome to the Getting Donations through your Nonprofit Newsletter Course

- Simple tips for growing your list quickly and ethically
- Offline ways to get more subscribers to your enews
- 22 subject lines guaranteed to get subscribers to open your emails
Module Two: Getting Down to Basics
- Choosing your best enewsletter platform – beyond pricing
- Designing an effective enewsletter, including formatting rules for html and text based emails
- Get it read! 40% of your peeps will open your enews on their phone. How to test how your enews will look
- The five reasons people share your enews
Module Three: Long-term Engagement & Design
- Four simple emails that lead people to take action
- Innovations in enewsletters
- Case studies of incredible enewsletters
- What kinds of photos to use
- How knowing where to put your “donate” button will increase clicks – and donations!
Module Four: Surveying | Your Secret Weapon Online and Off
- Sample surveys to help you segment your enews subscribers
- Survey questions to engage both online and off
- Potent calls to action for your enews
- How regular surveying can practically write your content for you
Module Five: Print Newsletters Are Still Relevant | Making Yours Pay Off
- Why you need both online and print newsletters
- Writing for your donors: what they really care about
- Why you need to kill your “letter from the Executive Director”
- How to write news stories
- How to incorporate the numbers – without putting your readers to sleep
Module Six: Print Newsletters | Designing and Mailing on a Budget
- How and why to get rid of Microsoft Publisher once and for all
- Captions, photographs, and statistics oh my!
- Headlines that sell

Do try this at home!
What the heck is CMYK and RGB, and why should you care? Guest post by Danielle Bardgette
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