Making a living without a job-An interview with Barbara Winter

Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and today I am talking with Barbara Winter, the author of Making a Living Without a Job. This book has been an inspiration for me throughout my path through entrepreneurship. I’ve given it to other people. They have also said how incredible […]

11 tips to communicate better with nonprofit leaders

Let’s face it. Nobody is born saying, “You know what I really want to do? I want to be a nonprofit consultant! Yep! I am automatically good at this! Don’t need any training at all!” So, if you are looking to work with nonprofits, on the side or full time, you might want to ask […]

How can you become a successful fundraising consultant?

Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and I am so pleased to have with us today Linda Lysakowski who is a veritable legend in the fundraising world. She has written so many books about fundraising, and she’s also been consulting for a really long time. Linda, thank you […]

Fundraising Career Conference Rocked Hardcore

Whew! It’s over! Wow! What an intense three days! We learned from Vanessa Chase, Tom Ahern, Claire Axelrad, Linda Lysakowski, Kishshana Palmer, Phil Gerard, Sheena Greer, Joanne Oppelt, Brenda Riehl, Pearl Waldorf, Mari Watanabe and Rebecca Davis. In the coming weeks, I’ll be sure to share some tidbits from their sessions with you. If you’d […]

The one delusion that keeps you stuck

Now I am home on the east coast for winter break. Whew! It was HARD to take a break! As my friend Ben says, when you’re an entrepreneur, you grind and grind and grind and grind! And you’ve gotta keep grinding! And it’s true. He’s one of the hardest workers I know. I’m so grateful […]