5 lies you don’t have to buy about fundraising careers
When you’re going into a fundraising interview, you might have rosy glasses around this organization. After all, it’s been a long hard slog to find a job! They actually called you in for an interview! How exciting! It’s the MAGICAL NONPROFIT UNICORN! LOL! OR IS IT? Sometimes, in interviews, people want you to take the […]
How to take the next step in your fundraising career
What’s the next step for you in your fundraising career? How can you figure out where you want to go? I help people with this question all the time. In this video we talk about how to track your accomplishments, how to figure out what would truly make you satisfied, and some different […]
3 Steps to Fix Your Fundraising Career
The cure for the common fundraising career! Are you ready to rise? Let’s go! I want to help you rise in your career. But first, we have to figure out what’s holding you back. 1. Are you aware of the systems that are acting all around you? A systemic analysis is important, so we […]
6 Simple Interview Questions You Need to Ask to Find a Good Fundraising Job
Fundraising jobs are hard! They don’t have to be this hard though, IF you ask the right questions in your interview. This interview is a two way street, and you need to see if this job is going to support you or not. In this 8 minute video, you’ll learn how to find a […]
[VIDEO] Sample Fundraising Cover Letters and Resumes
I just got back from AFP ICON and presented on all about fundraising resumes and cover letters at my session. Want to see what we learned about? Here are 4 videos to help you write a better fundraising resume and cover letter today. Sample Fundraising Resumes Writing a better fundraising resume with no experience (or […]
How to hire a fundraising career consultant
Is it time to get your career to the next level? Here’s what I say! New year, time to get your career in gear! Do you feel like you could use some mentorship, or coaching in your fundraising career? Maybe it’s time to get fundraising career coaching for yourself. Why would someone get INTO fundraising […]