Hi hi!

Are you redoing your resume right now? Editing your C.V.? Looking to get paid more and go somewhere where you can learn and be nurtured to LEAD? WHAT FUN!

Let’s work on it together.

So first, don’t do the summary paragraph. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Tip 1: Broader Skills first.You’re definitely switching organizations, sometimes industries, and for sure titles, SO figure out what qualities you will need in your ideal role. These can be known as Broad Skills. And they can go at the top.

SO, Put your skills in the top.

Tip 2: Try the Mixed format. This means Functional style resume on the first page and then chronological format on the second page.

Tip 3: Natural alignments. Make sure whatever matters most to the person evaluating you for this new role is at the TOP of your job description.

So, for example, let’s say you have a bulleted list that looks like this on your resume:

Development Director, Peace Earth Fund

AND now you are applying for a major gifts job. You want to put the major gifts bullet at the top of the list.

If this is honest, you can also add to your title, “Development Director (with special emphasis on major gifts).”  So now it looks like this:

Development Director, (with special emphasis on major gifts) Peace Earth Fund

If you can, add any more useful details about the major gifts piece, OR some relevant education you got with that.

BONUS tips!

Tip 4: Do not add the date you graduated from college. People have all sorts of reasons to discriminate against you. Don’t give them age as one reason.

Tip 5: Use key words directly from the job description and put them in the resume. They use machines that scan for this, and they will most likely discard your resume if it doesn’t include these.

Tip 6: You’re getting judged by your email address. Do not have your gmail address be something like “hotgirl69” because you are totally going to get judged on that. Make a new account that sounds more like your name, for business purposes.

Tip 7: You’re considered unemployable if you’ve been unemployed for over 6 months. So for heavens sake, start volunteering, to pad out your resume so that you look like you’re keeping busy during this time. Sit on a board, do what you have to do, but don’t have blank spots over 6 months on your resume.

Now. Who you know really matters more than what’s on your resume. So, if at all possible, try to get to know someone at the place you’re looking to work. These sector switching resume hints will not work for everyone! I should mention that if you want a federal job, all of this is different. There are books out there on how to get government and federal jobs, and they will tell you how to structure your resume for those roles.

Want to learn more about resumes and cover letters?

If you want 65 more fundraising career resources, just go here.

If you want 99 more nonprofit leadership resources, click on over here.

2 Responses

  1. Not too sure about tip 4. If you don’t have your date of graduation you are being dishonest. That instantly sets a bad tone!

    In today’s economy hiring professionals in their fifties and sixties is very robust.

    If someone graduated in the year 2000 and omitted the graduation date the person hiring could think the other way that they graduated in 1980 adding 20 years to the age.

    1. The executive recruiters that I’ve worked with have been clear about not including the date you graduated. If HR needs to verify your education after the offer is made, you then supply the year to the HR department.

      Age discrimination is a bigger issue for women than it is for men. People can have very set stereotypes around age. Keeping age out of the equation until they meet you face to face is not dishonest. It keeps the focus where it should be, on the skills and experience required for the job.

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