Here’s how to figure out what questions they will ask you in the fundraising job interview. And how to answer tricky questions!
In this 9 minute video, you’ll learn:
–How to answer the “Why did you leave your last position?” question
–How to talk about your strengths and weaknesses
–How to answer the dreaded: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
–Fundraising specific job questions you may be asked
Gallup Strengthsfinder test: To help you find that challenge- a strength in disguise!
66 Resources to rise in your fundraising career– to help you anticipate those tough interview questions!
If you want more advice about how to get a fundraising job,
Schedule a call to chat about what you are looking for right now
If you’d like to learn EVEN MORE about getting a better fundraising job, or moving on up in your nonprofit career, check out my book, Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide.
You can also subscribe to my newsletter, where I give fundraising and career tips every week:
If you liked this video, subscribe and see previous videos on my channel for how to ask useful interview questions of your own- how to get your resume and cover letter in order for getting that better job!