NEW Video: Getting People to click donate on your nonprofit website
Have you been frustrated with trying to raise money online?
Have you tried Razoo, Kickstarter or Indiegogo with little success?
Have you tried emailing people to get them to give, with few results?
[SLIDES] How to get your nonprofit e-newsletters opened
If you missed my webinar on how to get more people to open your nonprofit e-newsletters last year, it’s coming up again on June 6th! Click here to learn more. For a free preview of what you’ll learn, check out these slides here: [raw] How to Get People to Open Your Nonprofit E-newsletter Webinar Preview […]
11 Elements of Fierce Loyalty to Keep Your Donors
Is your nonprofit or charity part of a national or international movement? Maybe you want to bring dental care to people everywhere. Maybe you want to help children going through the courts systems. Maybe you are part of a national faith movement. Or maybe your #1 goal is to get single parents to finish […]
Improve your nonprofit website by moving down the ladder
How do you convince people to give to you, even if they don’t know your cause? That is most people. Most people have no reason to care about your cause. That’s okay. Your job is to find the people who DO have some reason to care about your cause. How do you find those people? […]
Are you following this interesting little debate on Nonprofit Social Media?
There’s been some lively discussion over at the Agitator between Tom and Jay Frost about the value of Facebook likes.
[INTERVIEW] 8 Questions Answered about Online Fundraising!
5. What are some email marketing strategies that you’ve found that helps people give?
As with all of our marketing strategies – test, learn, then tweak. Our approach is to continually optimize by applying a test and learn strategy. Test subject lines, asks, copy, images etc. to drive increased donations.
Email software: We are currently investigating different email deployment options.
We have certain limitations with our current email system, which is why we are exploring new options. Our learnings in this area are minimal. We have noticed that any email subject line or header in an e-newsletter that offers a value-add to our readers has a higher click-through rate. A recipe always performs well.