4 ways to find what work is most fulfilling to you
Are you wondering how to get more satisfaction from your job? Last month, we had 550 people attend the very first virtual fundraising career conference. It was a smash hit, and one of our presenters, Kishshana Palmer, talked about how to use your strengths in the workplace. I decided to delve deeper, since I’d already […]
Fundraising Career Conference Rocked Hardcore
Whew! It’s over! Wow! What an intense three days! We learned from Vanessa Chase, Tom Ahern, Claire Axelrad, Linda Lysakowski, Kishshana Palmer, Phil Gerard, Sheena Greer, Joanne Oppelt, Brenda Riehl, Pearl Waldorf, Mari Watanabe and Rebecca Davis. In the coming weeks, I’ll be sure to share some tidbits from their sessions with you. If you’d […]
What would it take to make your fundraising 100% more effective?
If you are a nonprofit board member, and you are wondering why your fundraising staff doesn’t stay, it may be because you are not paying them enough. Recently I was talking with a nonprofit executive director who had put out a job description for a development officer role, and was paying $30,000 a year. She […]
Want to get that next fundraising job? Learn from this Claire Axelrad interview
MT: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and I am very pleased today to be interviewing Claire Axelrad of Clairification. Claire Axelrad has a JD and a CFRE, and has over 30 years of experience in the trenches leading fundraising, major gifts, and nonprofit marketing initiatives. On April 13, […]
How I came to fundraising: Carrie-Ann Goodfellow, Manager of Development
This week we’re taking the journey of Carrie-Ann Goodfellow, manager of development! 🙂 Most of us never planned to be in fundraising. I have yet to meet someone who decided to be a fundraiser in high school. Most of us didn’t know this was a career that existed! That is, until we had to-out of […]
How I came to Fundraising: Emily Lane, Development Associate, Major Gifts
Today I’m happy to share our second story from a Wild Woman Fundraising reader about how we came to fundraising. This one is from Emily Chalker Lane, who is a Development Associate in Major Gifts at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Florida. In her own words: I think I was destined for a fundraising career […]