3 things to avoid in your fundraising job interview
This video talks about the 3 common mistakes people make in their fundraising job interview. If you do these, you’re not alone! But this can help. If you want more advice about how to get a fundraising job, Schedule a call to chat about what you are looking for right now: http://bit.ly/MTFree30 Gallup Strengthsfinder test: […]
How to prepare for a fundraising job interview
Today we mentioned: Guidestar.org Claire Axelrad of Charity Clairity Gallup Strengthsfinder test: To help you find that challenge- a strength in disguise! 66 Resources to rise in your fundraising career– to help you anticipate those tough interview questions! If you want more advice about how to get a fundraising job, Schedule a call to chat […]
[VIDEO] Sample Fundraising Cover Letters and Resumes
I just got back from AFP ICON and presented on all about fundraising resumes and cover letters at my session. Want to see what we learned about? Here are 4 videos to help you write a better fundraising resume and cover letter today. Sample Fundraising Resumes Writing a better fundraising resume with no experience (or […]
How the Nonprofit Sector Captures Us- And Refuses to Let Us Go.
Have you ever wanted to leave the sector, but you’re 5 to 10 years in, and it’s looking like you can’t leave? What keeps you stuck? What makes you stay? Recently I was talking with a friend of mine who is looking for a job. She confessed, I’m thinking of getting a government job. […]
How to hire a fundraising career consultant
Is it time to get your career to the next level? Here’s what I say! New year, time to get your career in gear! Do you feel like you could use some mentorship, or coaching in your fundraising career? Maybe it’s time to get fundraising career coaching for yourself. Why would someone get INTO fundraising […]
Fundraising Career Pathing – Take the Right Job for You
Have you ever wondered how to move up in the fundraising field? Here’s a sample career path from fundraising recruiter Phil Gerard, on how to potentially move up in your fundraising career. You need to look at what skills you currently have, and what skills you might need to go to that next job title. […]