Name It Podcast: NEW Episode: Gloria Coleman explains how to tame chaos in crisis
“Succession planning is a way to tame the chaos”. -Gloria Coleman Listen here! BIO – Gloria Coleman PMP, PSM, PHR, SHRM-SCP Gloria is the founder of High Spades Consulting LLC, which is a consulting business focused on transforming organization systems and aligning them to be more streamlined in their workflow processes. Having worked across various […]
How Nonprofits are Winning during COVID with -Interview with Aly Sweetman, Twitch Charity Manager
I am doing some new episodes of Name It, and here’s the first one. This is a bit of a departure from just talking about equity. Why? Because right now we need to ALSO name that nothing will ever be the same again. And we need to start to get used to what is next for […]
Interview with Erik Anderson
If you’re a nonprofit who has been wondering how to adjust your plans with so much uncertainty, you DEFINITELY want to listen to this interview. Recently I decided that I couldn’t keep this incredible person to myself anymore, I just HAD to share Erik Anderson of the Healthy Nonprofit with you. When I first talked […]
Interview with Jennifer Chandler, National Council of Nonprofits
Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Chandler, Vice President for the National Council of Nonprofits, an association of nonprofit associations nationally, that helps advocate at the federal level for nonprofits. We talked about a lot of things- but mainly what’s happening NOW at the federal level, what that means for you locally, and […]
Interview with Ellen Bristol-What Now?
Ellen Bristol, author of The Leaky Bucket and Fundraising the SMART Way, shares in this 30 minute interview, WHY you’re not succeeding in fundraising and what to do with it. Imagine if you had more donor, sponsor, and grant opportunities than you knew what to do with! This is Fundraising the SMART Way! Why should […]
How to get 6 figure sponsorships -Interview with Bruce Burtch
I was so lucky to get to chat with Bruce Burtch about cross sector partnerships in this 27 minute interview. Bruce Burtch is the author of Win-Win for the Greater Good, a book for nonprofits, all about how to create better cross sector partnerships, with government, for-profits and social enterprises. If you’ve got a minute, […]