Do you want to send the best year end emails ever?

Are you writing your year end fundraising emails right now? Are you wondering how to get more out of your year end fundraising emails? If so, consider what you could lose. This chart is from Blackbaud’s 2014 giving report, and as you can see, every single kind of nonprofit raises the majority of their online […]

Fundraising How-To-A new twist on the thank you note

So I’m doing this crowdfunding fundraising campaign and WHEW what a ride it’s been! It ends on December 3rd so go check out our progress! 🙂 I’ve already written about the crowdfunding campaign earlier in November, but here we are-what else can we learn from this Indiegogo campaign? Well, how do you thank online donors, […]

My First Exprience with Indiegogo-Pokey the Penguin Fundraising

If this is your first time here, WELCOME! This blog is all about fundraising, HOW TO DO IT! And so today I’m sharing my fundraising journey with a new tool for me, IndieGogo! What is it like? It’s hard to describe, but it’s kind of like the sound of raspberries tastes! Why am I running […]

7 steps to succeed with crowdfunding

Have you ever thought about doing a kickstarter or indiegogo campaign for your nonprofit? Recently I was approached by a board member of a nonprofit to give them feedback on their indiegogo campaign for their nonprofit. I looked at their campaign text and it was terrible. They were trying to get operating funding for their […]

[SLIDES] How to get your nonprofit e-newsletters opened

If you missed my webinar on how to get more people to open your nonprofit e-newsletters last year, it’s coming up again on June 6th! Click here to learn more. For a free preview of what you’ll learn, check out these slides here: [raw] How to Get People to Open Your Nonprofit E-newsletter Webinar Preview […]