Are you managing up? Where does that come from?
Have you ever known a boss or a person in management who just seemed to be there by luck, not by skill or management ability?
6 ways you can be an effective nonprofit leader
Have you ever worked with a nonprofit leader that just would say NO to everything you suggested? Did you ever think, ‘Oh M. G. I can’t take it anymore” and run out? Did you ever want to partner with other nonprofits but feel stymied because your organization wasn’t nimble enough to take advantage of opportunities […]
Are you pressuring your board? Guest post by Alexandra Peters
Alexandra Peters is a nonprofit consultant, educator, writer, and believer in the profound importance of effecting social change in the not for profit sector. For thirty years, Ms. Peters has worked to make the nonprofit world better. Today she does me the honor of guest-blogging! And apparently, she knew me when I was just a […]
Do you want to be a nonprofit consultant? Read this interview with Desiree Adaway
Do we really have too many nonprofits? Citation needed!
I mean, come on! We have tech for-profits starting up every day, and no one says to them, “There are too many tech startups! Cut it out already, there’s not enough need!”
Nonprofit Governance: What’s your flavor?
Fun Fact: I used to live in Korea, and while I was there, I learned about the many flavors ice cream can be in foreign countries. Such as Durian. Red bean. Kimchi. Lychee. Such variety!
So have you ever seen a board member go from board straight to executive director of the same charity, without any previous nonprofit experience?
As ice cream flavors go, I think that’s probably kimchi rat surprise.