Interview with Erik Anderson

If you’re a nonprofit who has been wondering how to adjust your plans with so much uncertainty, you DEFINITELY want to listen to this interview. Recently I decided that I couldn’t keep this incredible person to myself anymore, I just HAD to share Erik Anderson of the Healthy Nonprofit with you. When I first talked […]

Interview with Jennifer Chandler, National Council of Nonprofits

Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Chandler, Vice President for the National Council of Nonprofits, an association of nonprofit associations nationally, that helps advocate at the federal level for nonprofits. We talked about a lot of things- but mainly what’s happening NOW at the federal level, what that means for you locally, and […]

Interview with Ellen Bristol-What Now?

Ellen Bristol, author of The Leaky Bucket and Fundraising the SMART Way, shares in this 30 minute interview, WHY you’re not succeeding in fundraising and what to do with it. Imagine if you had more donor, sponsor, and grant opportunities than you knew what to do with! This is Fundraising the SMART Way! Why should […]

How your government contract is screwing you over (and how that’s about to change)

Note: This article originally appeared in the OCASDV (Oregon Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence) newsletter in March, 2014. Does your nonprofit get government contracts? Or is your nonprofit considering getting government contracts? The government is increasingly stepping away from providing human services like elder care, and instead they are calling for nonprofits to take […]