Are you telling these 4 kinds of stories?
Mazarine Treyz: Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising, and today I’m interviewing Vanessa Chase Lockshin of The Storytelling Non-Profit. We go back a couple of years at least, three years now of being friends and talking about business and storytelling and nonprofits. Vanessa Chase Lockshin: I think so. I think […]
What an annual report review looks like
Are you working on your annual report right now? How can you make it better than last year? Read on! Here’s an annual report review I did recently for a student in my annual report class. Here’s what I generally do with my annual report reviews. First, I look at the cover. 1. The cover […]
Interview on how to make your year end appeals more effective
What is the best way to write fundraising appeals? Recently I spoke with CauseVox about the core elements of effective fundraising appeals, how the best appeals are centered around stories of one, and even touch on lessons you can pull from your favorite works of fiction when you’re writing your appeals. Mazarine Treyz is […]
This hospice appeal made more than ever before
Here’s a hospice appeal from a person who took my year end appeals course and ran with it. ———————————————————– First off, my name is handwritten. I love that! It reads, “Dear Mazarine, You and I share something in common. We have seen what hospice can do. Hospice doesn’t cure a person’s disease, but it […]
INTERVIEW: Starting your capital campaign with Andrea Kihlstedt
Hey, everybody. Welcome. This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising and today I am so, so pleased to do my very first interview – hopefully there will be more – with Andrea Kihlstedt, who is the head of Capital Campaign Masters, who’s written a book on capital campaigns. It’s a textbook which is in […]
3 Steps to set up your monthly giving campaign
Mazarine Treyz: Erica Waasdorp, you’re an ambassador for the IFC. So you know about fundraising in other countries, not just the U.S. I’ve heard that the U.S. is far behind other countries in getting people to give monthly. Why do you think this is? (Read the number one predictor of success in monthly giving here) […]