Being on the east coast-WHAT an adventure!
Right here, this is the face I make when I have such an incredible audience, like I had this last week at the Women in Philanthropy breakfast in Holyoke MA, and at the AFP NJ Philanthropy Day Conference. Thanks to everyone who made it to these two presentations! I had such a good time hearing […]
Going Deeper
Are you frustrated right now? Maybe you’re writing your annual report or appeal letter, but you’re stuck. Or maybe you’re wondering how to connect with a donor and you just can’t seem to get through to them? What could we do to connect better with our donors? How can we help donors feel more connected […]
King Arthur and Nonprofit Appeal Letter Stories
Read the first part of this post here According to Robert McKee, there are 4 Primary techniques for Progression Social progression-Widen the impact of character actions into society Personal progression-Dark personal secrets Symbolic ascension -Builds the symbol from the particular to the universal- The specific to the archetypal Ironic ascension– Transition-counterpoint or held in common- The […]
Ideas for your appeal letter from STORY by Robert McKee
Recently I’ve been re-reading Robert McKee’s Story. If you haven’t yet read this book, and you are tasked with communications for your nonprofit, then I would definitely get it from the library at the very least. After I accrued some terrible library fines, I bought my own copy. Why should you tell a story? […]
You Can’t Help our World if People Can’t Hear You.
This interview will share the depth you’ve been missing in your nonprofit communications and fundraising. Haven’t you ever wondered how some nonprofits seem to have it all together? Maybe they’re born with it. Maybe it’s because they work hard on coordinating their communications and fundraising. I interviewed Claire Axelrad, JD, CFRE, former Development Director for […]
Interview with Erik Anderson
If you’re a nonprofit who has been wondering how to adjust your plans with so much uncertainty, you DEFINITELY want to listen to this interview. Recently I decided that I couldn’t keep this incredible person to myself anymore, I just HAD to share Erik Anderson of the Healthy Nonprofit with you. When I first talked […]