Are you pressuring your board? Guest post by Alexandra Peters
Alexandra Peters is a nonprofit consultant, educator, writer, and believer in the profound importance of effecting social change in the not for profit sector. For thirty years, Ms. Peters has worked to make the nonprofit world better. Today she does me the honor of guest-blogging! And apparently, she knew me when I was just a […]
Guest Post: Christina Attard reveals the secrets about your planned giving program that only donors know…
“Have you put your name on a legacy donor wall somewhere yet?”
As I like to joke, my current net worth at present is about equal to my zero-dollar cell phone! The beauty of it is that as a couple in our early 30s with a young child and a big mortgage, we were able to create three, six-figure legacy gifts for our favorite charities! (Long time frame? Yes. But there is value here for the long-term.) So really, if you’re still waiting, your excuse had better be a good one!
Guest post: Mary Cahalane on Thank You Letters!
I have the pleasure of introducing a new guest post by Mary Cahalane. I met her recently on Twitter and learned more about her insight on Pamela Grow’s newsletter. I just loved what she had to say, so I asked her to guest post for me, here. Mary, you rock. Mary Cahalane is currently development […]
How do you turn an accidental donor into an ally? Part 2
Donors crave recognition and attention, most of all, AMIRITE?
How do you turn an accidental donor into an ally? Part 1
Reader Questions: Fundraising for a park-How can you identify visitors?
Hey Mazarine, The issues I’m finding toughest to crack right now are around squeezing the most out of small budgets while making the most of new channels. To some extent, thus my recent Twitter learning experiment! We have more than 800,000 people coming to our parks and events every year, but mostly we don’t know […]