Funniest Nonprofit Direct Mail: Photoshop Disasters!
It’s like she’s saying, “I only have one leg, but it’s a really great leg.”
INTERVIEW: With Craig Linton, The Fundraising Detective!
Which Donor Database is Right for YOU?
Libraries, what are they for? A Story & 5 Fundraising Ideas for Libraries
1. Take down the names of everyone who checks out a book at your library. Mail them once a year, at Christmas time, and ask them to give to support your library.
What to Do When Someone Messes With Your Appeal letter
Have you ever tried to write your appeal letter by committee? Did you ever regret that you let other people have input into your writing? Here’s what happens. You study your grand controls. You make sure that you take an appeal letter webinar, you interview that international and famous copywriter, you read books on how […]
How You Can Get More Money Through Direct Mail: Interview with Jules Brown of “Dear Joan”
The key point is that the fundamentals of good direct mail copywriting hold true no matter where you are: understand your donor, craft appeals that make your donor the hero, and connect your donor with your beneficiary.
-Jules Brown