Is it time to get your career to the next level?
Here’s what I say! New year, time to get your career in gear! Do you feel like you could use some mentorship, or coaching in your fundraising career?
Maybe it’s time to get fundraising career coaching for yourself.
Why would someone get INTO fundraising career consulting?
Maybe because they saw people getting passed over for promotion, paid too little, or fired for no reason. Or perhaps they were tired of people not getting enough benefits, like family leave, better healthcare with vision and dental, or being let go with no notice and no severance. Maybe they saw this over and over, so many times that they decided-HEY! I’d like to help people do something about that.
Well, that’s why I got into it, anyway. I was tired of seeing the blatant passing over of perfectly wonderful people, and I wanted to help.
What would someone’s credentials be for fundraising career consulting?
People might have a certification in salary negotiation. Or they might have achieved some position that you would like to achieve. If you go to a recruiter, they may or may not be able to help you with your resume and cover letter. But career consultants can help you with that.
Here’s an example. I moved on up from Development Intern to Development Director. In that time I ran a nonprofit job club in Austin Texas, AND ran two career fairs in my former nonprofit job.
Then in 2013 I wrote a book about fundraising careers, called Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide. It got five star reviews. You can read more reviews here.
Then from 2014-2018, I directed the online Fundraising Career Conference, where I got fundraising career experts to give over 1900 attendees their BEST presentations on how to write a better fundraising resume, create a kickass cover letter for fundraising, answer tricky fundraising interview questions with ease, how to build trust in the workplace, what to do when your career is going nowhere, how to build a stellar team, and more.
I also trained hundreds of people in in-person workshops on salary negotiation, resume and cover letters, and how to find the hidden fundraising jobs, as well as what to do when your career is going nowhere, for AFP Congress, AFP ICON, Willamette Valley Development Officers, and it WORKED! People got $12K raises. People got the packages they wanted.
I’m STILL being asked to speak about this in 2019 at AFP National Conference! So, you know. Clearly I’m passionate about people getting the perfect job and salary for them!
How do you get the most out of fundraising career consulting?
Well, first, figure out- what do you need from a career consultant?
If you’re not getting interviews, then you probably need a better resume and cover letter.
Or maybe you need to weave together a more coherent story in your job history?
If you know your strengths, that can help you share why you’re the right person for the job. Here’s a post about how to discover your strengths.
If you’re getting the interview but not getting into the final round, you probably need to work on your interview skills.
Here are some interview questions you may be asked– and potential answers you could use.
Are you a role but feeling stuck? Maybe you want a direction for your career? Career pathing can help.
A fundraising career consultant can help you with all of these things. Learn more about how it works
I love talking with people about how to find their direction, know themselves better, and move on up. So I’ve been helping people with their resumes and cover letters, interview skills and salary negotiation for the last ten years.
People I have helped have gotten government jobs, tech jobs, and most commonly, nonprofit jobs. You can read some stories here.
What folks say about my career advice
I wanted to share my evaluation of your session on salary negotiation. It was the most important, useful session I attended the whole conference. I’ve never negotiated salary before because I just didn’t know how. You provided clear techniques and research tools, and gave a lot of great advice. I am applying to new jobs now, and I finally have the knowledge and confidence to make sure I’m treated fairly. Thank you so much.
Just a follow up: I recently accepted a position at a new employer. I applied a lot of what I learned in your session before and during negotiation. It was so helpful in determining the fairness of their offer and making sure I got what I deserved. I’m really happy with the compensation package I received and I’m so excited for the new opportunity! Thank you and keep up the good work! I’ll be pointing a lot of my colleagues to your resources for sure!
-Mike Ryan, CFRE, St. Louis, MO
Mazarine’s presentation about negotiating your nonprofit salary at the AFP Conference in San Francisco was extraordinary. Mazarine brought contagious energy and encouragement to her session. It was a great mix of presenting and practice! I’ll definitely keep an eye out for her sessions in the future!
I’m half way through Get the Job! and I especially appreciate the interview questions to ask them! In the past, granted I’m early in my career, I’ve always assumed that I would take whatever I could get (that’s such a scarcity mindset!). Now, I’m approaching my new job search much more strategically, thanks in part to this book! Thank you!!
-Laura Day
“After attending one of Mazarine’s sessions, you seriously feel invincible! Armed with Mazarine’s insight into development, I honestly started getting worried when three hours after the session had ended and I still had the biggest, stupidest, 1980’s-kid-with-a-new-trapper-keeper-even-though-I-was-born-in-the-’90’s smile that you can possibly image.
Not only was the session engaging, informative, and highly applicable, but she did something that I did not see at any other sessions at the conference – in a room of 200, in less than an hour, she made a community. A community where EVERYONE, young and old, felt comfortable to ask questions, make comments, and engage with others in the room.
Mazarine was like a group spirit guide; she provided the foundation of knowledge, and then urged us to ask ourselves questions. How can use it? Have we done something like this before? What have others done that has worked? And I think more importantly, is your current job even right for you?
I honestly could not be more grateful for her honesty and sincerity that was unparalleled at a conference of more than 3,500. She is a truly unique and inspirational figure who knows that connections formed between colleagues is just as important as the connections we build with donors.”
-Andrea Edelman, San Mateo, CA
I came to your session at AFP in SF and in it you said “Get this book – Ask For It” . Loved the session by the way. And since I do whatever anyone says – not – I bought the book. I landed my new job – after almost a year of looking – (which I have now been at for 8 days) just after that and convinced myself to ask for a salary that was in the right range. I usually low-ball in Denver because they don’t pay well here. And doggonit if I didn’t get $5,000 MORE than I asked for. I had 2 competing offers and I had done all the research and pumped myself FULL of great self-confidence boosting messages and affirmations and it was amazing. I read the book, marked up the pages, wrote in a journal…everything I needed to do to get what I deserved! I am happy and employed and more confident than ever. I found my voice! THANK YOU. — Carol Miller
“I am prepared for my next two interviews with my negotiating skills that I have learned from the Fundraising Career Conference!
I was speaking with a HR person and they asked me my range on a phone interview. I handled it like a champ thanks to your help!
I said, I am willing to consider any reasonable offer that would account for my work experience and education. Was there a range you had in mind? And then they gave a number! I couldn’t believe it, and it was a good number. Thank you so much for all of your good advice at the conference!” – Natalie Ramos, Chicago
“I normally don’t send emails like this, but I wanted to let you know that the resources you have provided at the Fundraising Career Conference work!
I recently on a whim applied for a job at IBM for a business dev position. Wasn’t really serious about it– I love my current job and like the non-profit and higher ed sectors, but thought it would be worth it to at least get some experience tailoring a resume and cover letter for industry.
Less than 24 hours after submitting, I was contacted by a recruiter. On the phone he told me “You don’t technically have the experience, and this is a stretch position, but your cover letter was amazing and it read like a perfect fit for this job, so I am forwarding you up to the hiring manager.”
I had used an adapted version of your cover letter template. Just wanted to let you know that it also gets the attention of people at major multi-national corporations. The call happened this morning, so I don’t know the outcome yet, but I thought I should let you know.”
-Testimonial from Fundraising Career Conference 2016
“I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying the conference and I have been raving about it with two of my most valued coworkers. Hopefully they will join in next year.
This has really infused me with a spark of enthusiasm for this industry I fell in love with 10 years ago but started to burn out in the past 3 years.
While I LOVE the industry, I know it is time to move on to a new project, the question are, what, when, where and how? The conference has definitely helped me with a pathway to figuring out what my next move will be.
I can’t tell you how excited and invigorated this has made me (and yes you can quote that) :-)” — Lori
“As someone who has been trying to navigate the treacherous seas of a career in fundraising, the Virtual Fundraising Career Conference was like a lighthouse of expert insights, advice, and new ways of thinking to help get me to where I really want to be – while steering clear of burnout!” -Kristian Hochreiter, MBA, Nonprofit Management
“Yesterday was wonderful! Thanks so much for pulling together such a quality conference at an affordable price. “ All the best, Teresa Parker
“Wonderful conference Mazarine! Thank you for making it so accessible. I am in between positions and looking for a way to ignite my resume and brand.” -Nancy
“Thank you so much for a wonderful virtual conference. It was so inspiring and such a great resource. I learned so much and will use the information to forward my career.” -Valerie
“Thanks for putting together such a great virtual conference. I was only able to listen to a few of the presentations but each was very well done and insightful.”
“I can’t tell you how empowering and taking the virtual conference was.
So many of the presentations really made me look into my life and the choices I have made in the past 15 years. Eye-opening, actually. What you gave us was not the typical kind of presentations you get at the AFP meetings. It had a great flow—-
Sometimes it was uncomfortable listening–not necessarily a bad thing–to make you realize, “Hello, what were you thinking-taking this job? And why didn’t you realize this sooner? Why are you afraid to move?” ‘Stop feeling like everything is your responsibility,” etc.
And–since you are the one doing everything because your gift entry person doesn’t have the capacity to do more–and never volunteers to step up-NO, you will not succeed in doing all you want, nor what is needed to do the best job. It”s physically and mentally impossible. You need to walk away for your own sanity.
Yes, it is scary to move–but I’m going to work on it–a bit every day–including rewriting my resume for the 5th time this month. Ha. I’ll keep you updated.” -S
“I can’t thank you enough for an AMAZING Fundraising Career Conference. The session with you and Tom Ahern was worth the price of admission and then some – though I enjoyed all of the sessions I attended.
Yesterday I found out that I will be laid off June 30th. It’s not a surprise. I’ve been planning the transition to consulting for the last five months and already have two clients lined up for small projects in the Summer and Fall.
Please know how I appreciate you generously sharing your knowledge, encouragement, etc. This was a treat at just the right time.
Looking forward to a new start!” -Rachel
“I enjoyed the virtual fundraising career conference so much. You covered a great deal. All sessions combined, it gave me the confidence to take the next step in my fundraising career. Yahoo!
I greatly appreciate the tips about responding to the request for the
dreaded salary requirements. For the organization I’m applying to, I
looked up its 990 on Guidestar and I scoped out salaries in the area
where it’s located. Then, I skillfully dodged the request and wrote that if considered a candidate, I would look forward to learning the salary range they’re prepared to offer before providing my requirements.
Thanks to the conference, I won’t settle for less than what I feel is fair, and I have the courage to ask for it.
I’m just so excited about having taken the next step and my new appreciation for the value I can bring to an organization with my fundraising experience. Thank you, again!!!” With gratitude, Anonymous
“Thanks for a terrific Virtual Fundraising Career Conference. What impressed me the most was the way the presentations worked for beginners in the field, even those interested in starting in the Development Field, and veterans such as myself. I wanted to let you know now that your conference was both educational and inspiring.” -Stephen N. Guntli, CFRE
“Can I just say that you are my hero? I’m a HUGE fan since I saw my first webinar of yours about Annual Funds. Your emails are insightful and funny; this Career Conference is EXACTLY what your audience wants and needs.” -Kat Bloomfield
“For the 1st time, I found it exceptional, both in content & those who delivered it! Kudos to all!” -Leslie R. Shernofsky
“It was extremely user friendly, organized and well done! I talked it up to everyone that I came across in the fundraising field. The webinars were great in content and organization. I would definitely participate again. Excellent concept and implementation. Congratulations!” -Anonymous
“It was fantastic talking with you last week! You are a genius and I was so appreciative of your advice and input. I cannot tell you how much your advice has already benefited me! I did speak with our Maestro/Executive Director, and explained the risk of burnout and how many hours once human being can work without getting frustrated, HE AGREED!!! Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I look forward to communicating and working with you in the future!” With Sincerity and Respect, C. Williams, Ph.D., Development Director
“I have used your invaluable career book over and over again. It has been hugely helpful in pushing my candidacy for several jobs I never thought I could get near. Thank you!!!I’m very far along in the interview process for a Development Director position for a performing arts venue at a very well regarded university. Thanks for everything!!!!! Your book has been a godsend!” all best, Susan
“I want you to know, I used information I learned from your book “Get the job” to go to my Executive Director and change my career inside our organization and restore work/life balance to the crazy Jenna Cosmos, and I am forever in your debt for that!” -Jenna, Communications Coordinator, Virginia