Welcome to Your Ultimate Guide to a Bigger Sponsorship Course

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Module One

Module 1: Who is a good sponsor?

Module Two

Module 2: How to get your foot in the door?

Module Three

Module 3: Your best sponsor meeting

Module Four

Module 4: Outstanding Sponsorship Proposals

Module Five

Module 5: Making Your Sponsors Happy

Module Six

Module 6: Getting your sponsors to come back

Bonus Materials

1.Checklists of things to get donated

Often the beginning of the sponsor relationship-is getting things donated! Click here for the checklist!

2.Sample Proposal Cover Letter

Figure out what your sponsors want to see in a cover letter here.


Figure out what your sponsors want with a survey- Here’s a sample survey for an arts festival.

Here’s another example from March of Dimes

But don’t stop there! here’s a survey for your attendees as well.

4.Sponsorship Proposals

Here’s a sample sponsorship proposal

And here’s a sample brochure about sponsorship

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