Just follow these steps!

1. First, make sure you do at least four events a year.

In fact, do as many events as possible!

2. Don’t worry about who you buy your list from! Buy lots of lists! Don’t ask any questions! Keep mailing to these total strangers! 

3. Make sure that you pay your fundraising staff little enough so that you get turnover every 10-18 months.
I mean, why invest in fundraising staff? They’re just gonna leave, RIGHT?

4. Don’t thank donors or volunteers. Don’t budget to do a thank-a-thon or a friendraiser.
Don’t worry, I mean, they gave to you once, they’ll give to you again, right?

5. Don’t worry about keeping your donors. Just try to get as many new donors as possible!

If you’d rather not waste your money in fundraising, then do yourself a favor and get on the Fundraising on a Shoestring Webinar on March 10th!

What are people saying about this webinar?
Hi Mazarine!
Wonderful webinar you just gave. I am stoked about the opportunity to go into the Foundation Center space in Sf. I didn’t know it was free. Just wanted to let you know that a few months ago (I am 27) I was wondering what I should do with my life, after being sick for two years with Lyme Disease, and doing grad school in International Studies.  I felt a little lost. I had been working for non profits in previous years, but needed to make money instead of wearing myself down. Then I found your website (about to get your book) and I thought holy god, I can go into development!! I am currently contracting as a fundraiser for a non profit I just finished interning with and they are paying me to do what I love.  
Also, I have a second interview as a full time development associate at a local private school on Wednesday and I feel so excited. I am excited not just for these personal job opportunities, but because more and more people and nps are understanding the need for fun and fresh people to do development.
If it wasn’t for something that I read on your site about getting a job in fundraising, and how it can be fun and not horrible, I would not be where I am now today, expanding my career!
So thanks so much. Really. Also, the title of your business and book Wild Woman Fundraising was really what pulled me in. Good angle and very inspiring!
Can’t wait to read your book and maybe even do the Master mind Elite thing!
Here’s to making fundraising a fun thing,

Another person writes:

Thank-you again for your incredibly insightful webinar yesterday! Your sweet personality and good nature really shine through (this is the first one I have had the pleasure of attending). – Christine Bilic

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