Should you use
THIS Flyer
THIS Flyer
when communicating with your supporters?
Which will get you more donations?
According to a recent article sent to me by the fabulous @danibardgette
Communicating with All Your Heart: Flyer with a Cardioid Shape and Receptivity to a Request for Humanitarian Aid
Studies have shown that physical cues, presented in the immediate environment of an individual, influence his/her behavior later. Recent studies have found that exposing individuals to the concept of love influenced their subsequent helping behavior. This effect was studied in a field context using a physical cue associated with love. Customers entering a store received a flyer that informed them that a food collection was being organized for needy people. Depending on the condition, the flyer had a classical rectangular or cardioid shape. Results found an increase of nearly 50% in donors when using the cardioid flyer.
Bottom Line?
Make it heart-shaped, and you’ll get more donations.
Another bottom line?
Fundraise around valentine’s day with your local grocery store, get some heart-shaped pinups, and possibly you’ll get a better return than on another holiday!
Test this and let me know what you find!