Usually I write these super upbeat and newsy emails to my friends and family and yesterday I just thought, “Okay, I’m going to share my good news with everyone who reads my blog, too!”
Last week, which already feels a lifetime away, I was away in Portland and NYC, having a couple of photoshoots.
What were those photoshoots for?
One is for a photobook of poets that Larry Fagin is putting together with John Sarsgard. No, I don’t know when it will be finished, but it will have a lot of good people in there, like Bernadette Mayer, Joanne Kyger, and others, so I’ll let you know when it comes out.
Last year I heard about this project called The Blogger Body Calendar because one of my favorite bloggers, The Bloggess was in the calendar. That is her, above. She is so beautiful! Last year money went to a nonprofit fighting eating disorders. This year the theme is survival, and proceeds will go to a nonprofit that raises awareness around survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. So I applied and got in! We were going to keep it a secret until my month (June) but the coordinator announced last night that we could tell the world. So, hey world! I’m in the calendar! It’s going to be so fun! We had a conference call about it and people were all, “What should the photograph themes be?” and I was like, “I know! I know! Ask me! I’ve got lots of ideas! Masks! Folded arms! Drums! Animal skull, Necklace of firecrackers!” Somehow, I don’t think people are going to be picking these.
Right before I left, I found out that I am going to be on a nationally syndicated radio show, The Career Clinic, talking about nonprofit jobs on May 7th! I’m SO EXCITED! It will be broadcast everywhere from South Dakota to Hawaii to Maine, and there will be a podcast too that I’ll be posting here. If you have questions you’d like answered on the show, write them to me at info @ wildwomanfundraising dot com, or put a comment below.
Also, I’ve been away and when you get back things happen, like all of these meetings, today I met with Casey Rowe of WING, a women’s entrepreneurship group here in Austin, and I’ll be speaking to their group in June.
I also met with Julie Macalik of, and we talked about the state of the nonprofit sector, and we both agreed that we need to pay nonprofit professionals more. Do you agree? Disagree? Love to hear what you think about that in the comments.
I met with some lovely people at the Amala Foundation, they help people all over the world find peace and compassion.
Went to a presentation on Job, Career or Calling at the Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE), and I’ll be blogging about that later,
And thanks to Pamela Grow, I also talked with Kurt Steiner of about doing a webinar there, for May, so STAY TUNED!
I also met some of my favorite graphic designers, Lindsay Blackwell and Danielle Bardgette, serendipitously, on a bikepath.
And of course I’ve got five more meetings tomorrow.
And the Austin Civic Orchestra concert on Saturday!
I think next week is going to be calmer.
In the midst of the chaos, I am writing a book on social media and managing your online reputation. it’s called “3-D Reputation Engine” and I’m blogging about it at, and at my new social media consulting site,
I’m having a lot of fun writing this book, putting in even more worksheets, diagrams and helpful tools for people to use to control their online presence, get more clients and sell more products. It’s going to be even funnier and more useful than the Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising, because I’m getting better at writing as I go along. It’s also going to be for a broader section of people. I’m writing it for CEOs, major companies, and entrepreneurs, as well as people who are looking for work and want to find a way to help boost their reputation online to up their chances of getting hired.
One of the things that excites me about this field of social media is that it’s always changing, and there’s always more to talk about. And I feel so pumped for this next part of my blogging career.
How about YOU? What have you been up to?