Lately, thanks to my friend Christina Attard, I’ve been reading a book called Fry the Monkeys by Alan Kay. In it, I am learning about how to talk about solutions instead of just problems. I think it’s a useful lesson for us as nonprofit leaders and managers, when people come up to us in a huff or a snit or itching for a fight, to learn how to redirect to a solution quickly.

When someone is down on themselves, you can ask:

If people are constantly interrupting you, how can you manage this?

Here are some questions you can ask to manage interruptions:

Tired of coming to the end of the day and feeling like you didn’t accomplish anything?

Here’s how to ensure you manage your day as it progresses.

  1. Where will I concentrate on today?
  2. What MUST I do today?
  3. How can I make this easier for myself?
  4. What needs to come first?
  5. What next?
  6. What events might prevent me from doing this?
  7. How can I best anticipate these?
  8. What else?

Is your time taken up with long, boring meetings?

Here are questions you should ask before calling a meeting:

  1. What is the purpose of the meeting?
  2. What result would you like to see?
  3. What has worked previously (to do this)?
  4. What can you do now?
  5. What else?
  6. What needs to come first?

There’s so much more you can learn from this ebook. I highly highly recommend it. It’s only $12. So why not?

Did you learn something from this post?

What are you going to put into practice, today?

Please leave a comment.

0 Responses

  1. Mazarine, I am humbled by your praise of the book. I have been thanked by many people for this work and it is most gratifying because they always cite their use of the content, not just the thinking.

    In your case I have to acknowledge that the pieces you cite were authored by some of my good colleagues, notably Michael Klingenstierna Hjerth from Sweden. One of the joys of Solution Focus is the openness of the community that use it in organizational work. Also to be acknowledged are two founders of the approach, Insoo Kim Berg and Steve DeShazer.

    One of the reasons SF works so well is that it was, and still is deeply researched in the field. Another is that it can be applied in many areas, not just is origin, family therapy.

    Again, thank you.

  2. You are welcome Alan! Thanks for telling me who else you learned from to ask these questions!

    The questions are almost more important than the answers, I think! Really appreciate your book! It’s SO GOOD!


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