What is your safety net?
Who can help you when the chips are down?
Here are two ways to create your own safety net.
Number One, build up who you are online.
3 reasons why you should.
1. Layoffs happen. If they happen to you, having people care about what you think is always a good idea.
2. Make your life more significant. Leave something behind. A blog can be the start of a book.
3. Get hired into a field based simply on what you research and learn for your blog. It could be green manufacturing. It could be nonprofits. Who knows where your journey will take you? At the bottom of this blog post, I’ve put my ebook on how to market yourself online better. If you haven’t read it yet, you really should. I would love to hear what you think of it in the comments.
Number Two, constantly keep learning.
What was the last book you read?
Was it to teach yourself something, or was it to entertain yourself?
What was the last blog you read before reading this one? Did you read it to learn, or to laugh?
What was the last class you took? Did you audit a community college class? Did you take a workshop at a conference?
Who was the last speaker you heard? Was the person well-informed? Did you learn something?
And since the best way to learn is to teach, what are you teaching?
If you haven’t been learning, what would you LIKE to learn and HOW would you like to learn it?
If you are constantly seeking to improve your own skills and knowledge, and strengthen your values, and help others, you cannot help but be an asset to an employer, or indeed to anyone who walks into your life.
Just to show you that I practice what I preach, I just finished taking a poetry class with Hoa Nguyen, and I’m signed up to take the next one as well.
Last week I went to the 501 Tech club and heard a speaker talk about how to get your nonprofit organization more engaged online. I also went to the Texas Wax meeting and learned how to package my paintings better. This week I’m presenting at the nonprofit career club in Austin on how to get a better handle on your motivation to find a job. More on that tomorrow.
I have read several books in the last month, including: “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink, “Now, Discover Your Strengths” by Clifton, “Strengthsfinder 2.0”, “Rules of the Dance” by Mary Oliver, “Fearless Creating” by Eric Maisel, “Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper” by SARK, and more.
I read the SmartWoman.com blog by Vicki Flaugher often, and just today she taught me something totally new about how to do a product launch!
What have you been reading? Where have you been going? And what have you been learning?
Please leave a comment and tell me!
I’m a huge advocate of continuously learning. Thanks for all the tips