Recently I asked my most fantabulous enewsletter subscribers (if you want to be one, click here) what they wanted to learn more about, because, let’s face it,

Most people don’t plan to get into fundraising.

What can you do?

Except ask questions about stuff you don’t know?

Of course, you can’t ask questions if you don’t know who to ask or if you’re afraid of looking stupid. I fell into the latter category for a long time.

Then I got up and boldly said, “Okay, I’m ignorant as hell about fundraising, and I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Then I started taking classes and reading and of course practicing fundraising which is the best way, and all this knowledge got unwieldy so I wrote a book to get all of the knowledge out of my head and onto the page, and then! I started writing this blog and THEN! I started interviewing other fundraisers and talking with tons of people in the Small Nonprofit Chat on Twitter and reading some more and going to the NTEN conference and the next thing you know! I was slightly less ignorant!

If that also has described you at some point in the past, you might like this reader question.

Reader Questions! We are answering them!

Here’s a wonderful question from a fabulous, talented and successful fundraiser in Oregon! She writes:


Hello Mazarine,

I come from a large nonprofit where we had a Marketing, Communications and Development Team of six.  I had my own piece of the pie, managing our volunteer/fundraising board and all of our special events and events.

Now, I am blessed to be with an organization I’m so passionate about, but I am the ENTIRE Development Team.  I would love to see blog posts about planned giving and major gifts.  Also marketing my organization electronically, ie; social media, Enewsletter (technical aspect and effective design), as well as annual appeal campaigns and direct mail. 

I know, quite a bit, but I’m feeling my way and would appreciate any information you could pass along.

By the way, I bought the Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising and it is very helpful and I’m grateful for it!


Thank you marvelous person! I so so so appreciate that you bought my book, and also, that you want to learn about EVERYTHING! Here’s a place to start!


Getting more people to give via your enewsletter:

I actually haven’t written so much about this, but I DO have a very comprehensive webinar coming up next week! Click here to get on that.
Take my webinar on September 12th, yeah?


How nonprofit e-newsletters are changing

Planned Giving:
Planned Giving: How to Get Substantially More Money Per Donor: Interview with Alan Bacharach
Christina Attard reveals secrets about planned giving that only your donors know

Major Gifts:
Who is a major donor?
Starting Your Major Gifts Program
Making Your Major Gifts Call
Now You Can Learn The Secret to Major Gifts Fundraising: Much Ado About Language
How To Speak Your Donor’s Language? Guest post by Lisa Kelly Zuba
Why Major Gifts Fundraising is Like Hosting a Dinner Party: Guest Post by Cassie Gruenstein

Marketing Your Organization Via Social media:

I’ve done this topic a LOT. You can tell that I have a lot to say, right?

These tips will help you raise more money online
Creating a media empire for your nonprofit
How can you monitor your nonprofit’s online reputation?
Redesigning your nonprofit’s website and other things that are sent to try us
the most useful social media tool I found in 2010 (I still use it)
Why Your Nonprofit should be on twitter
7 steps to get your nonprofit millions in grassroots donations
How can you creatively market your nonprofit through social media?
Useful marketing questions from the Social Media Bible
Amy Sample Ward talks the future of online fundraising and CSR
How can nonprofits monitor their online reputations?
Free Social Media tools for your nonprofit from Social by Social

How to do Direct Mail:

Oh do I have resources for you! I do.

Direct Mail 101: What is it?
Direct Mail 102: How to write it
Direct Mail 103: How to send it
How can you measure if your mailings are working?
Funniest direct mail: photoshop disasters!
What to do when someone messes with your appeal letter
Interview with Jules Brown on How you can get more money in the mail
Does adding extra stuff to your mailing work?
I made an APP about direct mail! A checklist to help you get it all done! AW YEAH.
The Inner Game of Writing Your Appeal Letter: Part 1
The Inner Game of Writing Your Appeal Letter: Part 2

AND I just did a webinar on how to write a stunning direct mail appeal. Do you want to get in on the next one? Email me at the address below.

And of course, I’ll write more about this, but this is just a start!

So, read these, then get back to me if you have other questions.

Is there something I forgot to address? IF SO! Let me know!

Got questions? Oh yes you do.

Write to: info at wildwomanfundraising dot com to get your Qs Aed!

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