Are you getting your paychecks weeks late, due to the organization not having enough money on hand to cover paychecks?
Are you being asked to take furlough days?
Is your nonprofit in serious financial trouble?
What are your leaders doing about it?
What are you doing about it?
In times like these, it’s good to have a strategy, and assume the worst. Here are some seeds for your downturn strategy.
Are board members being asked to step in to cover basic operating costs?
Are volunteers being asked to do more work of people who were laid off?
Are foundations made aware of the financial straits you’re in, and how they can help?
Are you cutting back on program commitments?
Are you partnering with other nonprofits to do fundraising events?
Are you getting stories in your local newspaper about how your nonprofit needs help?
Are your donors aware of what’s going on, and are they empowered to help?
Now, have you thought about doing something different to help your nonprofit save money? Here’s a thought from the Work Less Party
If your nonprofit is in trouble, say to your boss, “Let’s work 6 hour days, instead of 8.”
Think about it. Not only will you be saving your nonprofit money,
You will have more time to make food, instead of eating takeout or premade food. You’ll be saving money too.
You won’t have to drive/take the bus/train in rush hour traffic as much, making your commute home a lot easier.
You’ll have more time to spend with your family.
You will be able to start a business on the side, if you want, which can employ more people.
You’ll have more time to just go for a walk.
You’ll have a better quality of life.
Say it together with me, “Workers of the world, relax!”