I recently met up with Ana Ottman of Red Dress Studios, to talk about business mentorship. She had some wonderful advice, and through her, I found this map.

It’s a mind map of all entrepreneur resources in Austin.

I love it, and I think you could make one too. Whether you’re a domestic violence agency or a museum, whether you’re a theater or a hospital, whether you’re an animal shelter or a disease specific organization, I think you could get something out of this.

Imagine it, instead of having a static list, you have something that you can all add to, that’s growing and changing, flexible, listing blogs to read, places to get funding, sources of best practices, social groups you can gain inspiration from, groups you can get educated in, and events you should be at for outreach. Perhaps you could even have a section for social media tools, and which social media channels have been most effective for your cause.

Now think of your sister organizations in your city, and all over the country, all working towards the same goal. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be, to have them be able to share their resources as well?

Or what if you’re a membership organization? Wouldn’t it be incredible to offer resources in a 1 page handy format that anyone can understand? Wouldn’t that add value to your membership?

How could you make a map of your resources?

Get an account on mindmeister.

It’s free.

Here’s a mind map for getting things done.

I just found another one for the Austin Young Professional scene!

I just made a mind map of fundraising resources! Want to add yours? I’d love to have your help with this map.

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