
Make Your Fundraising Plan Now



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Are you wondering how to make a bigger impact this year?

A fundraising plan can help you plan to succeed, by laying out your goals and working backwards.

Have you ever wished for more direction in your fundraising program?

Have you just been thrown to the wolves, with no one to lead you?

A fundraising plan can guide you into taking little bites out of the big tasks that are on your plate every day!


Have you ever made a fundraising plan?


If you’ve made a fundraising plan, has it been laying in a drawer, ignored, as you put out the multiple fires at your organization?

Do you just watch deadlines blow by, or feel demotivated by impossible goals set from above?

I’ve been there, in those endless “strategy” or “Strategic planning” meetings with those consultants that don’t seem to know how to help the planning STICK.

The people who train your team who pretend that the barriers of no training and not enough people to implement just don’t exist. Or the people who don’t know how bad the relationship between you and senior leadership has gotten. How the very act of making a plan seems laughable when you don’t know how long you’re going to be there.

But you still want to help bring in relationships and money for your cause.

You still want to do your best as long as you’re there. How can you make a fundraising plan so that you can be less stressed at your job, and bring in better relationships and more money for your cause?   Wouldn’t you like next year to be better than this year?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

How can you make a real, living fundraising plan that will be something you can use?

It’s time to take control of your fundraising plan for next year.

In this four week e-course, you’ll learn how to assess where you are, look ahead to see where you want to be, make your short and sweet fundraising plan, and then execute that plan. We’ll go in depth about how to get people to help you implement your plan, so you’re not just going it alone as usual. We’ll talk about how to find new donors. There will be worksheets, templates, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get answers. You’ll learn how to create that stewardship and communications calendar that will make your nonprofit stand out from the thousands of nonprofits around you, who are also trying to raise funds.

In this 4 week e-course, you’ll learn:


Week 1: All about YOU!

  1. Where are you at? What HAVE you been doing?
  2. What do you want to improve about your current program?
  3. Getting your board engaged with fundraising planning
  4. The problem with events
  5. The Catch-22 with government grants

Week 2: Where do you want to be? Setting your goals

  1. How many appeals per year?
  2. Planning Annual Campaigns
  3. Starting Major Gifts
  4. Finding New Donors Strategie
  5. Creating Earned income streams
  6. Marketing earned income streams

Week 3: Making your short sweet fundraising plan

  1. How one document can tell you everything you need to know
  2. Planning your stewardship activities
  3. Starting a communications calendar
  4. Starting a grants calendar
  5. Starting an individual solicitation calendar
  6. Getting help creating your plan from staff and board

Week 4: Putting your plan into action

  1. Planning backwards
  2. Making small steps out of big projects
  3. Getting the help you need: Staff, Board, and Volunteers
  4. Recruiting and training volunteers to help you fundraise

Who is the trainer?

Mazarine Treyz: CEO, Wild Woman Fundraising, Author of the popular Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising book.

In 2003 Mazarine wrote her first grants for Indonesian nonprofit Yayasan Emmanuel. In 2005 she co-founded a nonprofit called “The Moon Balloon Project” on the south shore of Boston, MA. Since that time she has raised millions for various local, national, and international nonprofits with appeals, emails, grants, sponsorships, and more.

Ms. Treyz has taught thousands of national and international nonprofits how to fundraise since 2009. Ms. Treyz created the first Fundraising Android Apps in 2010. In 2012 she published The Wild Woman’s Guide to Social Media, which got a 5 star rating from in 2013. In 2013 she published Get the Job! Your Fundraising Career Empowerment Guide, which also got a 5 star rating from

She has taught over 12,000 nonprofit professionals around the world with her workshops, webinars and online conferences since 2009.

me before the pandemic
Me before the pandemic

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You’ve waited long enough to have a direction with your fundraising program.


Isn’t it time that you learned how to get organized, and tie all of these disparate fundraising projects into one glorious whole?

Stop going it alone.

Get the help you need.

Make a fundraising plan and you can succeed!

If you have wondered what a really good plan would look like for your organization, you need to take this course.

What are you waiting for?

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die.” -Daniel Burnham


Frequently asked questions

What is an E-course? Expand

An e-course is written material, sent to you every week, in a printable format. Here’s a sample of the e-course. 

It will also include a recorded webinar. We created this format so that you can go at your own pace, and fit the e-course into your busy schedule.

Is it live? Expand

One person asked, is it a live webinar that I’ll need to login to attend? It is not a live webinar. Because of everyone’s busy schedules, we are making this e-course of written material, plus a recorded webinar, so that you can learn this information exactly when it is convenient for you.

Have you ever offered this course before? Expand

Yes, I’ve offered this course twice before, and people really liked it! I hear so much from my readers that they need to stop stressing and start planning, so I wanted to help people by creating this course.

How long will the course take me to complete? Expand

The course will take roughly 2 hours a week. There is a 60 minute recorded webinar that may take a little more time. You may also choose to take part in our end of course conference call which will take one hour.

Will there be printable materials? Expand

Yes! Every week you will get an email with an attached pdf that you can print and put into a binder. Here is a sample of what that looks like

Will there be any opportunities to ask questions? Expand

Absolutely! You can email me unlimited emails for the duration of the course.

Will there be practice exercises to complete? Expand

Yes, there will be practice exercises to complete. I include worksheets and templates in all of my webinars and e-courses. I believe that if you apply your learning instantly, then it sticks!

Is there a money-back guarantee? Expand

YES! If you are not satisfied for any reason, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

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