Wow. I’m so happy!

This week RJ Leaman of the Wild Apricot Blog posted my presentation about rankism in the workplace.

Last week iGrad posted my article on how to get a nonprofit job for new graduates.

And I also guest posted about how to overcome workaholism over on the Fundraising Ideas blog!

And I was interviewed by Megan Schiebe of Travel Volunteer Search on the 7 different kinds of donors and how to make them give, as well as our new video game project!

And I was listed at the Leadership Development Carnival by Dan McCarthy!

And I was listed at FundFusion’s 2010 resource list!

Thanks to Michelle Barbeau, Careers Editor at

Thanks to Megan Schiebe, Director of!

Thanks to R.J. Leaman, primary writer at WildApricot Blog, and editor at Association Jam! I appreciate it!

Thanks to Mike, Marketing Manager at and

Thanks to Dan McCarthy


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