This is a love note to everyone who has bought a book over the past few days! I am flabbergasted! And joyful! How can I say thank you? Thank you so much for reading this blog, for liking my writing, for believing that I have something worthwhile to share in this new book, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Social Media!
What a whirlwind two weeks since my book has been out! There are so many people to thank!
First of all, thank you Steve Havelka, without whom, NONE of this would be possible. Steve, thank you for helping me publish this book. You are the man.
Thank you to some of the many people who bought my book!
Thank you to Ealasaid Haas, who bought my book
Thank you to Kenita Pierce-Lewis, who bought my book and my first book as well!
Thank you to LuAnn Mueller, who bought my book
Thank you to Wanda Furgason, who bought my book and my first book too!
Thank you to Alexandra Peters, who bought my first book as well!
Thank you to Vijay Deohar, who bought my book!
Thank you to Susan Taylor of Imagine-Productions, who bought my book!
Thank you to Lorna Fossand, who bought my book!
Thank you to Betsy Baker who bought my book!
Thank you to Lynne Briody, who bought my book and my first book too!
Thank you to Angela Robertson, who bought my book last year, before it came out!
Thank you to David Sugasa, who bought my book last year too!
Thank you to Connie Phelpey, who bought my book!
Thank you to Irene Konev, who bought my book and my first book too!
Thank you to all of the people who are reviewing my book!
Pamela Grow of Pamela’s Grantwriting blog
Joanne Fritz of About.com
Amy Sample Ward, Membership Manager of NTEN
Barry Silverberg of Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations
Desiree Adaway of the Adaway Group
Carmen Carrozza host of Forward Motion radio
Paul Nazareth, master networker
Sarah Perry for making the beautiful cover
Danielle Bardgette for helping finish the cover!
Don Akchin of Nonprofit Marketing Zone
Thank you to everyone who is helping me promote the book!
Thank you to Gail Perry, who is going to let me do a guest blog post for her!
Thank you to Betsy Baker, who is going to let me do a guest webinar for her!
Thank you to Lori Jacobwith, who is going to let me do a guest webinar for her too!
Thank you to Joanne Fritz of About.com for allowing me to guest blog post for her about social media!
Thank you to Greg Wolley for asking me to present at Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs on social media!
Thank you to Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce for letting me present on social media this month!
Thank you to KayDel Marshall at the IRS for asking me to present on social media for your Oregon Small Business Forum!
Thank you to Elena Bernard who is allowing me to guest lecture at her University of Portland class for nonprofit marketing!
Thank you to Natale Goriel at the SBA for asking me to the Tweetup for the small business conference in Portland!
Thank you to Carroll from GCAP who has asked me to present on social media for small veteran owned businesses in Vancouver!
Thank you to people who are mentioning my book on Twitter!
Finally, thank you to all of the lovely anonymous lurkers! It’s because of you that I look at my stats page and go “Holy Crap, I outpaced last month’s stats, AGAIN!”
I mean really, talk about ego stroking! Thank you! You can keep on reading!
And if you haven’t bought the book yet, it is RIGHT HERE and you can TOTALLY BUY IT. 🙂
And subscribe to my enewsletter!
I would love to get an email from you, or a comment, tell me what you’re working on, if there’s anything I can do for you, and what you love or hate about this blog!
Aw! You’re totally welcome, Mazarine! You SO completely rock and I’m thankful that our paths have crossed. 🙂 You’re awesome!
You are very welcome! I support all that you are doing! You have been a wonderful blessing to me and I am grateful for you. Reading my next chapter now…lol