Technical Assistance

Since 2009, Mazarine Treyz has done technical assistance for COBID eligible firms and CBOs.

Treyz’s technical assistance for small business includes:

  • Work with COBID eligible and COBID certified firms at Oregon Metro Procurement department since 2018, including coaching and training, resulting in $2M increased spend in 2019 for COBID certified firms.
  • Work with Oregon APEX Accelerator, coaching and training businesses in government contracting, including registration on government websites, marketing, proposal writing, and more. 
  • Work with Multnomah County’s CDEF program  to help COBID certified businesses with marketing, networking and other aspects of government contracting technical assistance. 

Technical assistance for Community Based Organizations/ nonprofits includes:

  • Training to raise millions since 2005. Treyz worked her way up from intern to development assistant, development manager, development officer to development director and finally development consultant.
  • She co-founded a nonprofit in 2005 and helps executive leadership lead more effectively through board retreats, fundraising training, coaching, strategy and more.
  • Working with both individuals and groups since 2009 as a consultant, you can see results here.

Most recent government clients include Portland Clean Energy Fund and City of Portland Office of Violence Prevention.

In the City of Portland project, the goal is to assist CBOs/nonprofits with fiscal management, budgeting, planning and increase nonprofit capacity to sustain programs after City contract.

Trained a variety of CBOs/nonprofits to find grants, create fundraising plans, find new board members, ask for sponsorship, get monthly donors and more.

Additional Speaking and Nonprofit Training Experience

Mazarine Treyz excels at motivating audiences to lead, to fundraise and question the status quo in the nonprofit sector. She taught fundraising to over 23,000 people from 2011-2024. Her works include 10 courses on fundraising & 3 books on nonprofit careers, fundraising and marketing. Treyz directed 10 multi-day online conferences covering leadership and fundraising topics. She has 14 years experience providing workshops and training, including Fundraising trainings, Leadership trainings, Diversity Equity Inclusion trainings and a certification from the Racing to Equity Leadership Institute in 2021. Mazarine Treyz loves to help you ask for more.


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