PTEXT-HEADERSo I’m doing this crowdfunding fundraising campaign and WHEW what a ride it’s been! It ends on December 3rd so go check out our progress! 🙂

I’ve already written about the crowdfunding campaign earlier in November, but here we are-what else can we learn from this Indiegogo campaign?

Well, how do you thank online donors, donors who you will most likely never meet face to face?

pokeyMost of these people live online.  an offline thank you note… may not be possible for some. But we have their email addresses! So, how can you make a crowdfunding donor feel truly thanked, through email?

If you know the person already, then it’s easier to make a personal email.

But what if it’s someone you don’t know anything about?

Well, try this:

Here’s a thank you email i sent from the Pokey the Penguin fundraising campaign:

Dear Simon,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting POKEY the Penguin!

Steve is excited to make more Pokey comics and I know he is looking forward to creating your custom Pokey print! 🙂

We are now making more videos to show progress on this campaign and YOU started it all with one of the first donations!


We are now past the $500 mark and it’s so exciting to have so much traction so quickly!

If you only knew how much it means to Steve.

He giggles all the time now. He feels like he has created something of lasting value, because of you.

Thank you.

Mazarine Treyz
Friend of Pokey and fundraising smartypants


Let’s take this apart. What makes it a good fundraising thank you email?

1. Communicates gratitude

2. Does not ask for a second gift

3. Is in a consistent tone with the campaign

4. Communicates progress

5. Communicates excitement

6. Donor-centered- YOU language

7. Mentioning what the donor will get as a result of their gift

8. Mentioning the actual emotion the receiver has from the donation

9. Signed by a real person with a snarky sense of humor

SO, that’s it!

What are some other thank you email tips you have?

I’d love to see them in the comments!

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