Have you heard how the RNC is trying to get money by making people think their mailer is the US CENSUS? The Story Here.

“The fundraising letter comes in the form of a “survey,” a frequently used device for partisan fundraising, but this one has a twist: calling itself the “Congressional District Census,” the letter comes in an envelope starkly printed with the words, “DO NOT DESTROY OFFICIAL DOCUMENT” and describes itself, on the outside of the envelope, as a “census document.””

As fundraisers, we have appeals that we send that are personalized. We might use handwriting on the envelope, or a live stamp instead of an indicia. We might use a purple envelope, or something eyecatching. But we’re not trying to fool anyone into thinking we’re the US government. Because that’s not what fundraising is about.

Fundraising is something that will help people trust your cause, believe in your cause, and want to give to your cause on its own merit, based on the good works you’re doing.

Fundraising is about helping a nonprofit fulfill its mission, not tricking people into opening your letter and giving you money because they think you are the government.

What do you think of the RNC’s tactic?

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