Yoga for your nonprofit

Do you work in the nonprofit or charity sector?

Are you stressed?

“Northwestern National life Insurance concluded a two-year study on the effect of stress in the workplace. Their findings were startling. A whopping 72 percent of American workers experience frequent stress-related physical and mental conditions that are directly related to their jobs. Think about it. Nearly three fourths of all employees are getting sick from their jobs, and we hardly bat an eye.” -Barbara Winter, “Making A Living Without A Job”

With the downturn, the shortages of budgets, and general stress, things might be getting crazy at your nonprofit right now. Even if you’re not working, it can be crazy, trying to look for a job.

During times like these, it’s important to be compassionate with each other at work and at home. We need to take care of each other.

How are you de-stressing at work? How do you de-stress outside of work?

Here’s my advice.

Find a yoga class in America here or here. If you live in another country, google “yoga class” and your country.

Once you find a studio, think big. If you want to get your whole nonprofit to destress, talk with a local yoga studio. See if you can set up a 10 minute yoga demo for your next staff meeting. They will happily do it for free, because it will result in more students for them.

Bring it up with your boss, and mention how it will help people be happier, and destress. People can do it in chairs if there’s not enough space, or if they are differently abled. And if they are self conscious, request to the yoga teacher that everyone do yoga with their eyes closed.

Aside from bringing yoga to work or going outside of work, here are some other things you can do.

Is there a farmer’s market in your area? Find one in America here.

Bike to your farmer’s market once a week, and get fresh food from your local community. You’ll get out in the sun, so wear a hat, shades, or sunscreen, depending on your skin.

Cook your own food. Make new dishes. Savor every bite. Breathe.

Journal every morning when you awaken, for three pages.

Any other suggestions for self-care?

Comment below!

0 Responses

  1. I do yoga during my lunch hour. Dedicating that much time really lets my wind unwind and reset for the afternoon. Also, even before the class I am able to use some of the breathing and meditating techniques to recollect myself quickly. It’s definitely made my life much more enjoyable because I am less stressed.

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