NAME IT! PODCAST! White Fragility

In the nonprofit sector lately, Helen and Mazarine have seen some glaring examples of white fragility. So, we decided to do an episode on what this is, and how we can do better. Are you wondering what white fragility is? how it shows up? listen up for some quick tips on what it is, how […]

21 Ways Women Learn to be Stuck

Ever want to crow a victory to someone and then have them say, “yes But?” Here’s what’s behind that. Perfectionism is a fairly common American female bodied thing. Thus it’s a fairly common nonprofit worker thing. Why? So when girls get more consequences, they get more nervous about making things PERFECT. And they worry that […]

No, Millennials aren’t entitled. And they don’t want a participation trophy.

This post is a response to the Rogare report talking about millennial fundraisers and their tendency to job hop. It quotes Staying Power, by employee retention expert Cara Silletto. She sees this short tenure from Millennials as a trend to be confronted and dealt with.  She writes,”While mentorship shows personal concern for Millennials’ careers it […]

Happy International Women’s Day! Feminism in the Sector Podcast!

Are you a feminist? Do you believe that people of different genders should be equal? if so, then YES! if no, then GTFO 🙂 There is a lot to say about feminism in the sector, and what AFP in particular can do better for women! Vanessa Chase, founder of The Storytelling Nonprofit and #FundraisingIsFemale, shares […]

Our undiscovered self cripples us.

When you don’t know yourself- When you don’t know others… You’re hostage to the … UNSPEAKABLE! Like Michael Jackson says, “You’ve been hit by-You’ve been struck by! The UNSPEAKABLE!” OK, he actually says Smooth criminal, but hear me out. Chris Hedges writes, “When we cannot tell ourselves the truth about our past, we become trapped […]

I dare you to be your own fundraising guru

Are you looking outside of yourself for the answers? I dare you, right now, to be your own fundraising guru. How does that look? Recently I checked my library account, and I checked out over 100 books in the last year. Did I read them all? No! But did I skim all of them? Yes! […]