A Look Back at 2010

This is a long post. A taking stock.

Kick back and grab that mug of something hot and read on!

Lady up and get things done!

Where do you think the phrase “man up” comes from, and why do you think it references getting things done? If I were you, I would question this phrase before adding it to my lexicon. Did you know that the world over, women do most of the work, and get paid the least? It’s true! […]

Dorothy Day Was a Right On Woman!

I’m not Catholic or anything, but Dorothy Day was pretty damn special. Ms. Day was an American journalist, social activist and devout Catholic convert; she advocated the Catholic economic theory of Distributism. She also described herself as a Christian anarchist. In the 1930s, Day worked closely with fellow activist Peter Maurin to establish the Catholic […]

How can you become a nonprofit consultant?

Mike Bacon, Principal of Bacon Lee and Associates

Have you been having a hard time finding a nonprofit job?

Do you have years of experience that can translate to helping nonprofits, but no idea how to go about getting a foothold in this field?

Have you thought about becoming a nonprofit consultant?

Yesterday at the last Nonprofit Career Club meeting, we talked with Mike Bacon of Bacon Lee and Associates about becoming a nonprofit consultant. Here’s what he shared with us.