This changed my life.

I’m not in the habit of talking about my personal stuff on this site. Because some stuff is really, not in any way, related to fundraising. But, if you’d like to know a bit more about my personal life, then read on. I’m about to tell you a story about my healing journey. This is […]

Getting so psyched to go to London!

Have you heard of the National Fundraising Convention? The Institute of Fundraising in London is putting it on in July 2015. Oh happy day! They have invited me to speak about how to get people to click donate on your nonprofit website. If you’ll be at the conference, I’ll be speaking at 11am in Room […]

4 ways to find what work is most fulfilling to you

Are you wondering how to get more satisfaction from your job? Last month, we had 550 people attend the very first virtual fundraising career conference. It was a smash hit, and one of our presenters, Kishshana Palmer, talked about how to use your strengths in the workplace. I decided to delve deeper, since I’d already […]

What would it take to make your fundraising 100% more effective?

If you are a nonprofit board member, and you are wondering why your fundraising staff doesn’t stay, it may be because you are not paying them enough. Recently I was talking with a nonprofit executive director who had put out a job description for a development officer role, and was paying $30,000 a year. She […]

How to create a culture of philanthropy at your nonprofit

[raw] [/raw] Mazarine Treyz: This is Mazarine Treyz of Wild Woman Fundraising. Today I have the honor and privilege of introducing to you and interviewing Linda Lysakowski, the author of a great many books on fundraising, she’s the Stephen King of Fundraising and she is going to be speaking at our Virtual Fundraising Career Conference […]

Successful crowdfunding for poetry and the arts

Hello and welcome! This interview is part of our series with wild woman fundraisers on how to do a more successful crowdfunding campaign for your nonprofit. Today we are chatting with poet and managing director of Kundiman, Cathy Linh Che. Ms Che and her committee raised over $11,600 with crowdfunding on Indiegogo in 2013. [raw] […]