Teaching other people how to fundraise

Are you the lone development person, or even part of a small team? What is one of your biggest problems? If you answered “Capacity” I think you’d be right. How can you build your capacity to raise more money? Well, you can’t put more hours in the day, and you can’t hire more people. Budgets […]

Your Massive Fundraising Resource List

Here’s my resource list! I would like to keep it growing! Can you comment at the bottom with your favorite twitter friends, blogs, books, or other resources? Twitter If you’re looking for people to follow, may I suggest: @wildwomanfund/funders (This is a list: I followed all of the top 100 foundations on Foundation Center, now […]

Aw Girl, are you JADED?

jaded obama

Do you advocate for people to give to causes, but never give to causes yourself?
Why is that?

Ten tips for getting more donations through social media

Whether your nonprofit is on facebook, twitter, or myspace, you may be asking yourself, How can I get more facebook group members? How can I get more twitter followers? How can I get more myspace members? And then, how can I make these people want to donate to my cause? How can I, in short, […]