Are you a puppet of your gadgets?
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Yesterday I wrote about how working your proper hours is important for your health and your sanity.
But now let’s get meta and take a look at the bigger system, what enables you to work 10, 11, 12 hours a day, shall we?
How do you tell your nonprofit’s story in 8 easy steps?
How can you make a photoset and submit to Tech Soup’s Digital Storytelling Contest?
Here’s how I learned to use Animoto and Audacity. Super simple. With Screenshots.
This is so easy.
It can take less than an hour to get your story out there.
You can use this over and over again in appeals online, on youtube, on vimeo, on your website, wherever.
It’s effective in fundraising and appeals
It can be SO EASY. So if you have an hour, why not try it?
Interview: How can you start fundraising from nothing?
Ever wanted to learn how to start fundraising?
Need some tips on where to start getting more website traffic for your nonprofit?
Read this interview.
I just realized something.
How can nonprofits monitor their online reputations?
This month’s Net2ThinkTank Challenge is, “What are your best practices for effectively monitoring online feedback about your organization, cause, or social enterprise? What are your favorite tools and tactics for listening?” AKA, “How can nonprofits monitor their online reputations?”
3 tips to dramatically increase website donations
Have you ever bought something online? OF COURSE! You know it! What did you buy? Was it a book from Was it something off of Amazon or iTunes? More and more people are shopping online, and more people are giving online. How can you take advantage of the fact that people are often online […]