Presenting 10 Imaginary Nonprofit Blogs

Head-Desk Bad Boss Day 3. HeadDesk-Nonprofit Management Stories: When your boss had to have sex not just with your volunteer coordinator, but also with your board chair, this is where you go.

50+ Ideas on What You Can Blog About

If you’re blogging and feeling stuck, you are not alone! Take it from someone who has blogged since 1999, blogging is HARD! It’s a lot of work and you have to do it every week. In November 2009 I started to blog to market my book, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising. I wanted to […]

How to get tons more traffic for your nonprofit blog

When I first started blogging to build an audience for my book, I read Yaro Starak’s blog. He said that the way he got tons of website visitors and built up his traffic was by commenting on 10 blogs per night. So in 2010, that is what I did. I got tons of traffic and […]

Fascinating interview with Roger Craver + My Favorite Part

Roger Craver lays it down with this podcast with Jeff Brooks! He says a lot of interesting things! He’s been fundraising longer than I’ve been alive, and he has so many tidbits of wisdom. Here are my favorite parts of Roger Craver’s interview: He says social media is bullshit! (And I actually agree, it’s bullshit […]