Are you managing up? Where does that come from?
Have you ever known a boss or a person in management who just seemed to be there by luck, not by skill or management ability?
6 ways you can be an effective nonprofit leader
Have you ever worked with a nonprofit leader that just would say NO to everything you suggested? Did you ever think, ‘Oh M. G. I can’t take it anymore” and run out? Did you ever want to partner with other nonprofits but feel stymied because your organization wasn’t nimble enough to take advantage of opportunities […]
Do you want to know who REALLY has cause fatigue?
Fire the assholes, and company culture will change
Have you ever worked for a big corporation? Did you feel burned out on that lifestyle? What were some contributing factors, if so? Want me to take a guess? I just read a blog post by Pamela Slim from Escape from Cubicle Nation, “An open letter to CXOs all over the world”. Here are the […]
Lady up and get things done!
Where do you think the phrase “man up” comes from, and why do you think it references getting things done? If I were you, I would question this phrase before adding it to my lexicon. Did you know that the world over, women do most of the work, and get paid the least? It’s true! […]
How to respond when a manager yells at you in front of staff
Perhaps this has happened to you. You’re doing your work, and suddenly your boss comes over and starts screaming at you.
Then they barge back into their office.
You wonder what just happened. Perhaps you start to cry. Perhaps you yell back. Perhaps you start to search for another job. How can you prevent verbal attacks? How can you stop the verbal attacker in their tracks? How can you make them understand that they are not going to get the rise out of you that they want?