Why do people at work treat me this way?


Maybe we’re mercenaries. Maybe we’re interlopers in the “pure” world of program services. Maybe we’re a salesperson, to be treated with disdain. Or maybe we’re a mysterious money bag, to be treated with awe and a little fear. I’ve seen all of these responses and more, when I go in to work at nonprofits.

We often make more than program staff. And of course, they feel resentful about that.

We, in turn, feel resentful if senior leadership do not fundraise enough, and we are not being paid to raise all or most of the money.

10 Shocking Scary Secrets of Working in Fundraising

Scary by Marco Mazzei from Flickr

If you’ve ever had a crazy fundraising job, you need to read this post.

Here’s a secret blog post from October 2009, that I put on my private blog, before I had started Wild Woman Fundraising.com. It was just after I finished a crazy job, and so many things on this list rang true for me.

Are you feeling stuck?

Are you happy in your job at a charity?   If so, stop reading. If you are ready to move on to a new job, I hope this post will give you some food for thought.     Have you ever stopped to consider why you might be unhappy? Have you ever wished you could […]

Would you like to learn how to grade your boss? Here’s your checklist

Are you a nonprofit employee? Do you want a clear system to figure out if your nonprofit boss is doing right by your organization or not? Or are you a nonprofit board member? How do you provide oversight and make sure that your organization stays on track? Do you need a model to figure out […]